WED, JULY 8, 2020 • S1 E186 • 20 MIN 25 SEC

David Putting in the work to change

David shares his story about change, redemption, courage, finding meaning and purpose through facing his fears. David stumbled into drugs at a young age and it ended up taking him on a path that he knew deep down he was not happy with but it was hard to break. He ended up in jail, then prison and each time he got out he would end up hanging out with the wrong crowd and the cycle would repeat. But David also has a young daughter whom he knew deep down he wanted to be there for her and he could be the dad that wanted to have for himself for her. It was his time to get sober and show up and achieve all the things that he knew he was capable of. David has maintained his sobriety now 1 month shy of two years and faced his fear. He has found a great job, established new healthy friends and relationships and he has rekindled family relationships. David has been following his dream, making goals and nailing them one by one while taking it day by day. It is hard work to change ourselves and create new habits and patterns but David is an example that if you want something bad enough you can make it happen. Instagram:





WED, JULY 8, 2020


20 MIN 25 SEC


