WED, FEBRUARY 12, 2020 • S1 E44 • 11 MIN 2 SEC

Michael Fear of flying

Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Michael about his fear of flying. When Michael received a promotion at work it meant that he would need to do more traveling which would require him to fly. Yikes… what do you do when you get that promotion, more pay, and really do love to travel but you a completely afraid of flying? Michael shared with me some amazing tips and thoughts about how he took incremental steps and found tactics to help him get into a headspace where he could accept the promotion and get onto the airplane and fly. I love the metaphor fear of flying has in it also… where we can go new places and reach new heights but first we must step onto the airplane and lift off into the air before we can soar — and when we land we are in a new place, our horizons have expanded.





WED, FEBRUARY 12, 2020


11 MIN 2 SEC


