MON, JUNE 22, 2020 • S1 E176 • 22 MIN 1 SEC

Sherrie Laughter Inner Peace and Changing your life

Sherrie made a giant change in herself that has now completely changed who she is. What she realized was that so much of who she was as a person was programmed in her from a young age and it was not serving her well. In fact it was diminishing her life in a way that made it hard to lover herself. When she hard her daughter and found a specific podcast that spoke to her she began to recognize the changes that she needed to make in order to become the person that she wanted to be inside and take back the lover for herself. In turn she was now passing on the new values and respect for herself to her daughter. Sherrie found a belief in herself and ways to live in a healthy way, not following other and gaining her own voice. She found purpose and inner peace. When she is unsure of something she takes the time to investigate the uncertainty internally and make the course corrections if needed — meaning she is not so easily swayed by others and emotions that come and go. Sherrie has an amazing story for us today.





MON, JUNE 22, 2020


22 MIN 1 SEC


