SUN, APRIL 19, 2020 • S1 E112 • 19 MIN 25 SEC

Pizza Lover You are not alone

Pizza Lover wanted to keep her identity private. She also connected to the podcast while outside so it was a little hard to hear her at times but her stories, fears and pains are still very real and significant. Pizza Lover has been hurt badly in her last relationship, she trusted someone with her love and body. He turned out to be unfaithful and dishonest. He also gave her a STD that she was able to treat and cure but even though the STD is gone the pain of a bad relationship and the stigma of contracting a disease still lives on. I believe in Pizza Lover and that she is still fighting each day to become better and not let the spirit or stigma of a curable disease define her. One day at a time we heal and get better. She would want you to know that you are not alone and to have compassion for yourself.





SUN, APRIL 19, 2020


19 MIN 25 SEC


