FRI, JULY 10, 2020 • S1 E195 • 22 MIN 20 SEC

Molly Showing up

When fears live only in our own minds they can swirl around and eat away at us. When Molly was in College she knew she was battling depression and anxiety. The thought that she would not be able to function in a job after college was haunting her. What happens on days when you need to show up but you are not at your best? How do you handle life we you are depressed but yet you are required to be there? Would depression and anxiety prevent us from being successful and get in the way of our dreams and ambitions? Molly was wrestling with a lot of complex emotions but when she got out of College she was able to challenge the questions that had been the source of her fear. She answered these questions for herself when she got a job teaching. Molly’s story is a beautiful story about showing up even when it is so hard and life is pulling you down. Molly found reasons to get out of bed and show up with love and compassion for her students. She aimed to make a difference in the world for others and in turn it made a difference in her own world - it challenged her fears and showed her what success was. Molly shares some wonderful thoughts and tips for anyone that is dealing with depression. Instagram: YouTube: Twitter:





FRI, JULY 10, 2020


22 MIN 20 SEC


