MON, JUNE 29, 2020 • S1 E184 • 12 MIN 22 SEC

Maian Listen to your heart

Maian called in today with a feeling that so many of us get at different points in our life. She said that her life path doesn’t seem to be straight and exacting and “figured out” and that she is not living a “safe path". I can relate to this so much. I’ve always felt like I am slow to learn and slightly behind. Maian mentioned her friends back home in California whom have stable jobs and already settled down with starting a family while she is still living her adventurous life in New York for the past three years. It reminded me how we all have moments in life where we wonder what it would be like to be on the other side — to live a safe life vs a adventurous and more spontaneous life. Each has its trade offs but what Maian reminds us in the end is to check in with ourselves and make sure that we are listening to what our heart tells us. If we are living in alignment with our true calling then there is a good chance we are on the right path. Instagram:





MON, JUNE 29, 2020


12 MIN 22 SEC


