WED, DECEMBER 23, 2020 • S1 E367 • 32 MIN 41 SEC

Braeden: Letting your guard down

Today Braeden called in to share his story of fear and challenging his own ego. Braeden talks about being cut from Hockey teams at a young age and he suspects that was a formative event. He was extremely combative and had dreams of playing pro hockey. At that point he decided he would excel at everything, form school to sports to relationships but the kink in the armor was that he felt like he always had to be perfect and make everyone else think that he was perfect as well. Braeden talks us on a story about undoing the persona that he built around himself and what he learned in the process. Perfectionism is a serious issue that hampers so many peoples ability to live their best lives. Braeden talks about how freeing it was once he learned how to stop caring so much about what other people thought about him and how he was able to live more authentically once he opened up to being with other people in his life. Check out Braeden’s website and podcast here:





WED, DECEMBER 23, 2020


32 MIN 41 SEC


