FRI, JULY 17, 2020 • S1 E202 • 35 MIN 24 SEC

Daniel A dads love

Daniel spent over 30 plus years serving as a chaplain ministry for the United States military. Today Daniel shares a very personal and powerful story about family and healing. When Daniel's daughter was diagnosed with the bipolar it began to shed light on why she was suffering with such pain that was causing self harm in what Daniel refers to as having a cascading effect. Dianel speaks about how he realized how he needed to show up for his daughter and his entire family as a “dad” and not a counselor. I imagine this being such a hard thing to do, because being a dad or mom all you want to do is save your child. The pressures that we put on ourselves as a parent are tremendous and when we do not have quick fixes for things it can leave us feeling helpless. Daniel talks about a metaphor of being on a boat and realizing that in order to be able to be there to help his daughter and the rest of his family he also needed to become more mindful of his own condition. You can’t help someone else if you are also drowning. Daniel’s story is so amazing that I hope everyone takes as much away from his experiences and wisdom as I did. If anyone is struggling and needs someone to reach out to please look up Daniel’s information in the links included. Website:





FRI, JULY 17, 2020


35 MIN 24 SEC


