FRI, DECEMBER 25, 2020 • S1 E369 • 58 MIN 39 SEC

David: Building a foundation first

Today David called in to share his journey that spanned from leaving college to start his career in the advertising industry to then starting his own boutique agency and then into retirement and writing books to help out people that he found himself providing the same advice to answer the same questions over and over again. David’s initial fear was based around the “Am i good enough” and “can I make it” mindset when he was first starting out in advertising. He quickly realized that if he asked questions and worked hard he would be able to excel at anything that he put his mind into. David talks about building solid foundations before we start shooting for the castles in the sky - our biggest dreams. It’s important to have lofty goals but David suggests its smart to work for other people and spend time learning the ropes to get a solid understanding of the industry before setting out to try and do it on your own. Check out Enterprise Digital Marketing Solutions here:





FRI, DECEMBER 25, 2020


58 MIN 39 SEC


