MON, DECEMBER 21, 2020 • S1 E365 • 17 MIN 34 SEC

Burnie: See the world with new eyes

Today Burnie called in to share his story of fear and reinvention of the self. When Coronavirus swept through the world and upended life as everyone knew it, 2020 very quickly became the year that on one hand was devastating, challenging and for many heartbreaking; but Burnie had an epiphany, he was going to turn 2020 on it’s head and re-invent himself. He looked at the year as an opportunity. He might be taking a financial hit but it was all of a sudden clear that this was a moment in time that is an opportunity to do whatever he wanted to do, squash any fear that he might have had in the past and answer his calling. Burnie talks about creating more music and living life through a new lens. Every moment was like this but it took a challenging event for him to see that he always had all the potential within to do what he wanted. He built out a new music studio in his home and connected with his music in a new way. Check out Burnie’s website here:





MON, DECEMBER 21, 2020


17 MIN 34 SEC


